
Sunday, September 8, 2013


Starting something new can always be a bit awkward. And since at the moment my audience is probably just me, it makes it quite challenging to figure out where to start.

I've introduced myself in the About section. So take a look there if you're curious.

Otherwise, I'll tell you about my health challenges. I was tested for food intolerance's back in 2011, and came up high for wheat, gluten, dairy and peanuts. Literally the food that I consumed every day and loved so much. I was also a vegetarian of five years, and all I had to show for it was a dangerously low cholesterol and fat count. Not to mention severe anxiety and depression that slowly developed into agoraphobia. And I'll throw in a constant battle with acne since I was thirteen. (I'm in the process of checking my hormones.)

So I went home, and at the strong recommendation of my doctor, ate chicken for dinner and gave up all the foods that were making me sick, cold turkey. It was actually easy for me honestly because I had gone through bad anxiety before and I knew I didn't want to do it again. (For a year I had anxiety, it went away for a year and then came back with vengeance... I can't explain it to myself either.) My lovely mom went into research overload and learned how to cook gluten free. I did my fair share of research on food, health and anxiety too. Trying everything under the sun.

Without going into too much detail, it was a year of hell. Feeling miserable day in and day out. Seeing a doctor, therapist, psychiatrist, kiniseologist, neurofeedback specialist, and more recently a nutritionist.

I am feeling more human nowadays, but I'm not back to my "normal self." I still have a ways to go, but there are things that have helped me and continue to be a staple in my daily routine.

1. Bible research/personal study
2. Techniques I've learned in therapy.
3. Changing my diet, eating more appropriately for my needs and overall healthier (good fats, good fats, good fats!) 

4. Getting outside for a walk with my pup Riley, yoga, and any kind of exercise I can do.

5. Trying to get out of the house, for a ride or somewhere in particular.
6. Hobbies. Staying busy while at home. Sewing, upcycling, crafting, gardening, house projects, organizing, cleaning, cooking, baking....Just about anything to keep busy. I even started an Etsy shop - Cheeky Owl Endeavors as a way to simplify and naturalize my makeup and skincare. I could name many things that I've done as a way to occupy my brain...

For a year and a half reading and listening to music was a huge challenge for me..sounds crazy right? I could read things on the Internet but picking up a book and "relaxing" to read? Forget about it. I couldn't last five minutes. I'm happy to say that I'm getting back to these things and it's amazing.

I'd love to meet anyone out there who can relate on some level, undergoing your own trials. I hope that I can help at least one person to continue fighting to solve their own personal issues. Comment below about what you do daily to help yourself feel better...

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