
Saturday, September 14, 2013


To introduce you, Riley is my dog. She's a two year old pure-bred Havanese. (Whenever someone asks and has no idea what breed that is I just say, they're related to Bichon Frise and Maltese.) 

I received my little blessing a year ago, on September 10th, 2012.

She's the most loving, adoring, crazy, and cute dog I've ever seen. I may be biased, but to make my case, I'm not a huge animal person and my mom and aunt really aren't animal people and we all have fallen in love with her. 

You might be wondering why a non animal lover would want a dog...I got her as an anxiety dog, but she's become like my child. My anxiety/panic was much worse, and she was always there. 

She's become quite attached and protective of me. If anyone hugs me, she starts barking and jumps on them. If I'm sitting in bed, she'll snuggle right into the crook of my lap. At night, she either sleeps on my bum or right by my side. 

The amazing thing about animals, in all honesty is that they can't speak. They can never say the wrong thing, or what we don't want to hear. When we're really low and upset, they can sense it. All they need to do is be there and sit on our lap, or cuddle up close. They can make a huge difference, with such a simple act. 

She loves car rides and cruisin' (head out the window, feel that air baby!)

She hates when people leave the house, barking incessantly, and pushing them with her little paws. She's been known to leave you little presents or "poop revenge." She loves mushed 'naners,' peanut butter, and sunflower seeds.

She LOVES the snow. 

Naps are her favorite. She's an excellent cuddle buddy.

She enjoys instigating playful fights with our other dog Gina.

She enjoys ripping up paper items into a million shreds.

A few months ago we had a huge scare with her health. She went out to pee, and was walking strangely with her hind legs. She started going crooked, and was starting to run into things. We took her to a vet (sadly they consider themselves that,) and they tested and treated her for lymrs intravenously overnight. The next morning there was no sign of improvement and I was given the option to go to a neurologist or to put her down. I couldn't process doing that. I couldn't imagine not having her in my life. I'd only had her for less than a year. It didn't seem fair.

So I took matters into my own hands, and brought her to the vet that I'd originally wanted to see. We picked her up and I held her limp body in my hands. Crying, and fearful for what might happen.

The next vet put her on a cocktail of medicine and again kept her overnight. She couldn't lift herself up, except for her head. I fed her baby food, and we talked to her and told her to be strong and that she needed to fight really hard to get better. When we left she pushed herself forward, because she wanted to come. It was heartbreaking.

The next morning the vet called. She was back to her old self. I cried tears of joy and relief. We picked her up and you couldnt even tell just the night before she was unable to move. She was running around, jumping, full of energy and life.

It turns out she had tick paralysis, something that a specific species of female ticks carry. She had three ticks on her, something the other vet missed completely. It was a lot of money and an emotional strain on us during that time, and I can't believe how quick the vet was to give up on her...

I didn't possibly think I could love her anymore, but every day with her is a good day. I look forward to many more good days ahead with her!


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